What a Blessing!
"I wasn’t sure how LymeStop could work. It seemed very odd to me! I wasn’t always a skeptic, but I became one after being sick for so long and trying many methods to treat my chronic Lyme Disease with little (if any) improvement. The physical and emotional toll it took on me became so overwhelming, that even the task of researching and making a decision about other treatments became too much for me to handle.
What a blessing to have found Dr. Smith! I felt like the pressure was off me and all I had to do was come to the office and let him take care of the rest. What a nice surprise it was to feel good after my treatments! My energy is now great, I have little to no pain in my legs, I can think clearly, and my memories of the days I felt crummy have faded away.
I am not the only one in my family who has suffered with chronic Lyme. Two of my three teenage boys had symptoms for about a year before we made the connection that it was Lyme. I wasn't comfortable putting them on long term antibiotics after having experienced this myself. I was so thankful that Dr. Smith offered an alternative treatment. Both of my boys responded well to LymeStop and are now maintaining the active lifestyles teenagers should!
Dr. Smith has made me believe that a chronic illness doesn’t have to mean chronic pain and suffering. I want to say thank you – a heartfelt thank you – even though it doesn't feel like enough.
Thank you again!
Karla D. |
His gift completely changed my life!
Prior to LymeStop, I was a bed-ridden 19 year old, depressed, in extreme pain everywhere, with brain fog, heart palpitations, fatigue, muscle pain and fainting. I went through dozens of other treatments and was reluctant at first, but Dr. Smith's gift completely changed my life...
It was a long journey dealing with Lyme, but LymeStop gave me a huge boost and enabled me to go to school. I eventually got my bachelor's, and then my Doctorate in chiropractic – learning from Dr. Smith and others how to heal.
I absolutely recommend this treatment and refer my Lyme patients to Dr. Smith, as I only practice CBT. He is not only an amazing physician, but also has a kind heart. I am honored to call him a mentor!
Thank you. Thank you!
Dr. Rachel Hamel
La Jolla, CA |
A Miracle!
I was a healthy 29 year-old with no health issues ever prior to getting sick from lyme. I ended up having symptoms of unrelenting fatigue (sleeping 14 hours a day), ALWAYS feeling fatigued, joint pain (neck, back, and feet), depression (suicidal), hallucinations, memory issues, irritability, blurry vision, loss of depth perception, weakness, apathy, systemic inflammation, adrenal fatigue, low thyroid function, low libido, word recall problems, sound sensitivities, avoidance of all social encounters, gave up all of my hobbies, severe chemical sensitivities, withdrawn from family and my wife and my life was a living hell. I am a practicing chiropractor and had to cut my practice down to part time because the symptoms were so bad.
I was referred to Dr. Smith by a local chiropractor in his hometown who had seen a lot of people locally with lyme get well by going to Dr. Smith. I had nothing to lose so I took the trip. I didn't know if I had lyme for sure, since my ELISA test came back negative and my western blot from Igenix was equivocal, but Dr. Smith told me that he could at least tell me if I had lyme. When I showed up for my appointment he said I had lyme, bartonella, babesia, and a liver virus. Dr. Smith said I was lucky to be walking with how bad I was.
I must say that I was skeptical to some degree and actually had given up hope on getting better after seeing countless doctors and spending $60,000 on previous treatments. I didn't know what Dr. Smith was doing when he was doing the lyme treatments, but I kept telling my wife that he had a certain confidence about his work. This was encouraging. He told me that his work simply allowed my own innate immune system to identify the evasive infections and then naturally my body would heal itself! I truly had a miracle after leaving Idaho and headed home. The Tuesday after I got home was the first morning I had in over a year that I felt refreshed. Within 10 days most of my symptoms had gone away. I felt like I have a new lease on life.
Since I have seen Dr. Smith, I have had no relapses. I have had no relapses from my care. All of my psychological issues are gone. All of my neurological symptoms are gone. All of my joint pain is gone. I have some adrenal fatigue if I work out too hard, but that is getting better by the week. Dr. Tony saved my life with his method. Dr. Tony is a great guy and very humble. I believe his method of lymestop is going to be a major breakthrough for lyme sufferers everywhere.
Dr. Ben Erlandson
Dr. Smith's comment:
"Ben experienced one of the most remarkable recoveries I have ever seen." |
Radio Host Kaleah LaRoche's experience
Back in 2010 I began to have pain in my shoulders and arms that began to increase more and more. I had no idea what was going on with me. I had not used traditional medical doctors in some fifteen years and had no medical insurance. I didn’t want to go that route. I tried chiropractors, acupuncture, and was eating a raw food diet. I went off the raw food diet and did another kind of diet recommended from an alternative practitioner. I did tons of different kinds of supplements and I spent thousands of dollars in my effort to heal, whatever it was that was making me sick.
I rapidly began to lose the range of motion in both arms. I had severe pain so bad I couldn’t sleep at night; so the lack of sleep contributed to my getting sicker and sicker. I would have severe muscle spasms in my arms that would send me through the roof in pain. My arms got so bad that I could no longer pull a shirt over my head and so I had to visit a second hand store and buy several large sized button up shirts that I could put on with my arms straight down, because by this time most of the range of motion in my arms was gone.
It was in December of 2010 that I had a session with an alternative doctor. He told me I had all kinds of issues going on but the one that rang true for me was Lyme Disease.
I began researching Lyme Disease and learned that people had results with TAO free Cats Claw or Samento so I headed for the supplement store to see if I could get some. I talked to the man who worked there and he said they didn’t have the TAO variety. I explained that I was trying to heal Lyme and he told me that just last week a couple came in who both had Lyme Disease and they went to see this doctor in Idaho who treated them with magnets. They both experienced getting really sick at first but were healed of Lyme and when he saw them they were both glowing.
The day before I had also received an email from a friend who had gone to see a doctor in Idaho who diagnosed her with Lyme. When I looked it up online it was the same doctor. So I picked up the phone right away and scheduled an appointment.
The diagnosis of Lyme Disease was confirmed and I went through five, painless, non invasive treatments in a two week period and all symptoms of Lyme began to rapidly decline. I was left with only the loss of range of motion in my arms but with strong intention and diligent effort I recovered my arms completely and have had no symptoms of Lyme Disease since.
Since I posted on a much earlier blog about my challenge with Lyme I received many emails from people asking for the name of the doctor who helped me. I invited Dr. Tony Smith to be a guest on Sedona Talk Radio to talk about his work in diagnosis and treatment of Lyme. This was a special broadcast that aired live on February 1st, 2013 at 10am PST.
Kaleah LaRoche |
I Felt Like I Was Dying
"In 2009, my body felt like it was shutting down. My body ached and I felt so sick that I cannot even explain it in words. I literally felt as if I was dying, I am not the kind of person that ever likes to depend upon others and I figured I would somehow fix whatever was wrong with me by myself. Well, I was not able to.
For the next couple of months I kept going into a downward spiral of health. Then it got to where I couldn’t see straight, which is bad for an owner of a Video Production Company. After a period of time of feeling like today is the day I am going to die, I heard from a friend about this Dr. Smith guy in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho who has this weird kind of therapy for people who don’t feel well. At that point I was willing to do anything to get better and so was my poor wife, who was such a perfect person while I was sick.
So I went to Dr. Smith and he did a bunch of tests on me, ultimately finding out I had Lyme Disease. He showed me how he was going to help my immune system fight the disease by using magnets.
At one point after watching a documentary on Lyme Disease, I just broke down in tears because I knew what could have happened if I had not met Dr. Smith. He truly is a God send. I am so thankful today because of what he did for me. God used him as the instrument of healing. Now I am back being very productive and able to hang out with my wife and 2 little girls without being a 30 year old lump in the corner waiting to die.
If you are as skeptical as I was this decision will be hard for you to make. But trust him, he does know what he is doing.
Shane B. |
You Saved My Life... and My Marriage!
“It was about a year ago, almost exactly, when I began to feel sick… sicker than “normal”. In less than a few months, I went from my being at my best to my absolute worst. I had been working full time and wound up not being able to work at all.
My conditions had forced me to take an indefinite medical leave, eventually leading to the loss of my job. I was 26 years old, but felt like I was on my deathbed. I had about 6 months until our wedding, and didn’t know how I was going to make it. I had seen so many doctors and specialists from here to Seattle, each with a new and different diagnosis and/or treatment plan.
My body doesn’t respond well to prescriptions or antibiotics, so anything calling for use of them was definitely out of the question… Fibromyalgia, Candida, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity… I had been labeled so much I didn’t know what to do, or who I was anymore.
I eventually found my way to Dr. Smith's office. He knew right away that I had been through a series of unfortunate misdiagnoses, and knew exactly what was going on inside my body. He called it Lyme… something I hadn’t heard much about before. So I borrowed the office DVD “Under Our Skin”, and to my surprise I was just like so many people in this movie. I too, had deep and radiating pain throughout my body. I too, was so fatigued that I could barely get out of bed most days. I too, was going from bad to worse, and fast!
After doing some research and watching the film, I knew that Dr. Smith was right and that I needed to start his treatment right away. He told me it could take at least 4 weeks before I would begin to feel better. But after this long, it was going to be worth it, and just to have hope again, that I could feel better, and would get better!
I had exactly 8 weeks until our wedding at this point, and did exactly as he recommended, in hopes that my dreams could still come true. At first, things felt worse, but I learned that this is actually a good thing and it was my body’s way of detoxing and ridding itself of the Lyme. But within a few weeks, I was noticing significant changes, for the better. I was in less pain, could stay awake longer periods of time, actually shower and get some fresh air, without collapsing from fatigue.
I could think again – clearly, and had no more “brain fog” and forgetfulness! It was amazing! I felt like myself again – better than myself even!
The week before we were supposed to leave for Hawaii, Dr. Smith gave me his blessing – not only would I be able to get married and enjoy our honeymoon completely, but I even got his okay to go back to work! The Lyme was out of my systems, I was healthy and happy again, and just in the nick of time!
My husband and I are forever grateful to Dr. Smith and his treatment, along with his wonderful office assistants. I don’t know where (or even if) I would be today, without them!
You all saved my life, and my marriage. Thank you, thank you, and thank you!
Katie (and Harry) F.
Dr. Smith's comment:
"Katie's dramatic recovery was definitely influenced by her strong desire to get well before her wedding." |
I'm Now So Full of Energy!
When I was younger I would always miss school because I was sick. My health was fine in 4th grade, but in 5th grade it started going downhill. Often, I would call my Mom from school because I had a fever and was very tired. In the 7th through 9th grades my health gradually got worse. If I was sick for a day, we could guarantee it would last for at least one week. It got so bad that I missed a whole month of school.
My Mom and I went to a Naturopathic physician who diagnosed me with Lyme Disease. He said that two-thirds of my body was inflamed, and that I had the physiological body of a 47 year old man – even though I was only 13 years old!
When Dr. Smith's wife found out about my diagnosis, she called my mom and suggested that I see Dr. Smith for his new LymeStop therapy.
Before starting treatment, I had experienced symptoms such as brain fog, a constant low-grade fever, poor appetite, sleeping so deep I was unable to wake up, constant fatigue, and sleeping for many hours at a time and still needing more.
After completing treatment, I did not notice any immediate improvement, but after several months my health had improved dramatically. My body continued to heal as I watched my diet and continued taking the nutritional supplements.
After missing school for three months, I was now able to return to school. I felt so much better. My grades improved tremendously. During the summer, I had the energy to work very effectively, and I even went on an Alaskan cruise.
Now, one year later, I am doing better than ever. I went on a hunting trip which I had never been able to do before. Right after Thanksgiving I got very sick for a while and my Mom and I thought this had something to do with Lyme, but Dr. Smith found that I had Mono. After Dr. Smith treated the Mono, I was so full of energy that I could hardly get to bed at night!
Thank you so much Dr. and Mrs. Smith for your incredible kindness and care!
Zachary B. |
A New Lease on Life
"I am amazed at your treatment and total cure of my Lyme disease. For several years I endured symptoms of chronic fatigue, sinusitis and an overall profound lack of energy on a daily basis. I also had a susceptibility to viral infections throughout my body along with a severely deficient immune system.
At the age of 45, I felt not only like an old man but at times felt like I was literally dying a slow death. All of this despite the fact that I was generally in good shape, on an extraordinary dietary and vitamin regimen, and had remained painfully loyal to a consistent exercise routine.
After your LymeStop treatments, all of the above mentioned symptoms are completely and utterly gone! I feel as youthful and vibrant as I once did in my twenties, which is validated by the favorable and ongoing commentary of my wife, family and friends.
Because I have a new lease on life and ready to once again pursuit my life’s goals and dreams, I can only humbly attempt to relay how much your treatment means to me as it has transformed my life."
Thank you,
David H. |
If I Hadn't Taken That Leap of Faith...
It is my great pleasure to tell the story of my Lyme disease journey.
I am currently 42 years old and I have my own business in the hydroseeding and erosion control industry. Three years ago I noticed that I started getting increasingly tired; I would work half a day and then return home to take a several hour nap. I have never been the type of person that needed to take naps. I felt as though my body was telling me there was something wrong, but without health insurance, I continued to ignore the signals. I mean, it couldn’t be that bad, right? The next year, I developed muscle spasms in my back, which I attributed to my work.
I spend most days lifting 50 pound bales for several hours a day. Also, not only was I still tired but I began to get depressed in a way I had never experienced before. The smallest hurdles in life became monstrous and devastating. Again, I have never been a person that has experienced depression. Not only that, my life as a whole was going quite well; my family was happy, I was with my soul mate, and my business was good.
Then in the spring of 2010 I was sitting on my couch watching TV and I went blind for 30 seconds. When my sight returned I noticed that parts of my face and body had gone numb and my left eye was blurry. I got scared and headed straight to the emergency room. They ran tests; made sure I hadn’t had a stroke, and sent me home with the instructions, “if it happens again come back in.”
Two days later on Valentine’s Day it did happen again with the added symptom of mental delay. My sister said it was like I was drunk but I didn’t drink. I returned to the E.R. and was promptly told that I had M.S., “Because M.S. is the only thing that causes random, moving, numbness.” Also, “you can go take the tests or you don’t have too because that is what you have.” I was given no tests at the time and sent back home.
Wow, M.S.? I was completely devastated!
I proceeded to go through the testing for M.S. and the results came back negative. The Dr. told me I was just stressed and to go home. Again I was devastated. I friend of mine told me to look at Lyme Disease, I did and the symptoms matched so I asked my primary physician to test me. She did, and the results were negative.
Now what? I continued on with my life, dealing with the symptoms, which were increasing and new ones were popping up. The worst was my mental confusion and inability to remember anything. I forgot to go to jobs, I forgot to bill jobs, and I would get lost trying to find my jobs. I once got lost in Post Falls for 20 minutes; I had to ask a police officer for directions. It was not the first time I had been to this job site. Then I began to forget words, simple words, like they were just out of reach and I knew they were there but they wouldn’t come out of my mouth. But, I didn’t have any options in the medical field so I just kept going.
Around July of 2010 I was rear-ended in my work truck. I wasn’t surprised that I had gotten into an accident, but with my condition I was surprised that it wasn’t my fault. I felt an instant shooting pain through my back and down my leg. My vehicle insurance company sent me to a chiropractor and to physical therapy.
I believe that accident saved my life. I told my chiropractor that there was something wrong with me but I didn’t know what it was. She was very supportive and treated me for the accident for several months.
One day I arrived at my appointment and she took one look at my face and asked me what was wrong, since my left eye was drooping. She tried a few things to see if she could help me, but was unsuccessful. She told me about her friend, Dr. Smith, who she always went to see him when something unusual cropped up. She gave me his number and told me to call him.
I of course lost the number and totally forgot about it. After about three times of giving me his number, she finally just called his office and handed me the phone.
I consider my decision to see Dr. Smith as a leap of faith. I didn’t have a lot of experience with naturopathic or energy medicine, but I have spent some time in France and have seen a more open approach to full-body healing.
So, I took the leap of faith with Dr. Smith.
I was in bad shape and don’t remember anything he said to me during that time, or the actual treatments. As soon as the treatments began, I actually took a turn for the worse, which I now know is common with Lyme treatments.
At my last appointment, Dr. Smith could find no Lyme or Lyme coinfections. I no longer feel as though I am dying, my brain is clearing and my memory is returning. My biggest fear during this illness was that I wouldn’t die but that my brain would be irreparably damaged. But, great news, I am returning to normal and couldn’t be more excited to be returning to life worth living.
Dr. Smith also took care of a few allergies that plagued me during my life. I was allergic to alcohol, penicillin, pollen and mold. Let me point out that if, in fact, my Elsa/Western blot Lyme test had been positive, I wouldn’t have been able to take the normal course of antibiotic treatments because I was allergic to antibiotics. I also spent every spring dealing with bronchitis due to my pollen allergy. With the alcohol allergy, I had stopped drinking anything alcoholic several years ago; I was given several funny looks in France when I declined the wine. I no longer have problems with sensitivity to mold, I no longer develop bronchitis, and I can enjoy a glass of wine. The only thing Dr. Smith hasn’t cured me of is the hangovers if I choose to drink several glasses!
I cannot imagine where my life would be if I hadn’t taken that leap of faith.
I am forever thankful for Dr. Smith and his wonderful staff. Theresa is amazing when it comes to assuring you that everything is going to be fine. I also don’t hesitate to make the call for other friends that are dealing with allergies and unknown illnesses.
Thank You!!!!
Crystal W. |
I Actually Felt Human Again
In 2009, when I was 11 years old, our family went on a trip to the East coast. The last few days we were there I caught what I thought was a cold, but it went away after we got home, and it was forgotten.
Two months later, I was going to bed when I noticed a bump on my neck; it was a swollen lymph node. For the next few weeks I had experienced severe swelling in my neck. The doctor told us it was just a virus and the swelling would go away in a couple of weeks to a month. Almost a year later my lymph nodes were still swollen, and my brain felt like it was in a cloud. I was always tired and barely able to finish school.
Several of our friends had recommended Dr. Smith, so in August of 2010, we went to Dynamic Health. We finally learned the terrible truth; I had Lyme Disease. As I began having treatments, we noticed that after each session I was gradually getting better.
As time went on, I began to have more energy, and I could think more clearly. The next year was even better; I had the energy to work outside and not only that, but it was my first summer without allergies. I could breathe through my nose and that was a huge milestone for me. I felt great... I actually felt human again.
It has been an amazing journey for me, and through all of this I must sincerely thank Dr. Smith for all he did for me.
With many thanks,
Emily S. |
My Husband and I Feel Good Again
In April 2009, I began to get really sick. I even had to come home early from a trip to Alaska because I was so sick.
Then my husband began to get sick. We were so fatigued we couldn’t get out of bed in the morning. This went on for quite a while. When we were about at the end of our rope, my husband and I found out that we both had Lyme disease.
We avoided the medical community treatment of antibiotics, which I am allergic to. Dr. Smith began treating us with magnetic therapy and vitamins. It took some time and work, but we soon began to feel better. The treatments were very easy and the results were obvious.
With Dr. Smith I always felt I was getting the best treatment with compassion and understanding. I never once thought of going to anyone else. Julie and the other ladies are always understanding and kind. When I call the office I am always given immediate attention and concern. This letter is my opportunity to tell them how much they mean to me.
My husband and I feel good again. We are nearly 70 years old so our days of complete health are probably behind us. The aches and pains we have are signs of old age but I know when I get sick I can count on Dr. Smith and his ladies to give me the attention and care I need. Thank you.
With love and gratitude,
Rita D.
Dr. Smith's comment:
"This was an unusual case of a husband and wife becoming infected at almost the same time." |
God bless you and your staff!!!
I thank God so much for Dr. Smith and his LymeStop therapy! When I first saw Dr. Smith in July of 2011, I was 30 lbs. underweight, orange in color, and honestly thought I was going to die.
After seeing so many doctors - too numerous to count - he was the ONLY one who was able to find the source of my illness, a nasty virus in my liver. He also found Lyme and co-infections throughout my body.
After a few months, I had gained 20lbs, was no longer orange, and was on my way to being healthy again. Thank you, Dr. Smith, for helping me and so many others regain their lives.
Danielle Fish |
The following people would like to share with you how LymeStop has improved their lives. We share these stories with you at their request.
As you read these stories, please keep in mind that your personal experience will vary from theirs because no two people are alike.
These testimonials are not intended to solicit anyone, nor should anyone infer from these testimonials that the guarantee of a cure is implied.